Almost 20 years ago, during my seminary, I spent some time apprenticing to Master Tasogare Shunju. Master Tasogare was a Tendai lineage holder, a Japanese Vajrayana school of Buddhism.
Master Tasogare was a prolific writer of poems and much of his teaching to me came through his poems. In this blog, as a small tribute, I am sharing some of my favorite poems from Master Tasogare. May they increase your insight as it did for me.
An old priest
Still breathing, just so.
Wind frogs, ah!
When I awake
In the morning,
I have never been
My own presence
Spoils the mountain view.
I am not so noticed
As the rocks
Sunset of mind
Beautiful horizon
Nothing matters.
So what I am
What is that then?
Autumnal blossoms
Never stopping, clean
The breeze
Through the firs,
Moving without dwelling
Night or day.
Here is my own poor attempt at healing haiku
Essence of the moon
Here, A single drop of light
Essence of the Sun
Here is my favorite Tibetan poem, the Healing Power of Meditation Poem
Natural Great Peace
by Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorje
Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought
Like the relentless fury of pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of saṃsāra.